Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Apparently, posts don't jump straight from my brain, fully formed, onto this 'blog' thing. Someone really needs to work on that. Then again, when neural interfaces to the internet are finally created, I firmly believe that society as we know it will cease to exist.

I'm really becoming an old man. It's Tuesday night, at 10 minutes after 11pm, and I'm totally ready to go to bed. When did I get old? I wasn't like this last week, even. Maybe it was all the driving I did the last few days... probably 7 hours in the car between yesterday and today. I like my new job, and I appreciate that I need to do a lot of running around to appease our client, but it's very frustrating to spend all that time in the car only to figure out that it wasn't your company's fault that a car was misbehaving. And I'm sure later in the week we'll hear how disappointed they are that we're behind in our testing.

Oh that brings up an point. I'm going to be very vague about my job on the blog. Exactly how vague will likely depend on my mood. Most of the time will be like the paragraph above: vague enough that I feel better having ranted a bit while not feeling like it could come back to haunt me, but also vague enough that it is completely uninteresting to anyone besides myself.

I've been meaning to put up a big long TV post but I think I'm in mourning. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself now that more and more shows are going into reruns due to the writer's strike. In the meantime, make due with a cool little story about two of the few surviving puppets from the famous Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer Christmas special.

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